Chapter 59

“Maxine will still be here. I know how close you are to her.”

“She’s not my mother.” Henry had thought he didn’t care much about his mom. He’d even called her a “cold bitch” many times to Kade and some of his other friends. But this moment, right now, was proving him wrong. He hurried over to her and knelt at her feet. He laid his head in her lap. “Please, Mom,” he whined, the idea emerging fully formed in his brain. “Take me with you. I can sleep on the couch. I won’t be any bother. I promise.”

She stroked his hair for a long time. “Maybe. Maybe in time. Let’s see how this all shakes out.”

It was the same as if she had just said no. It hurt. Henry wearily got to his feet and went inside. He didn’t know where his life would go from here. How could he stay in this house with his father, even if Maxine was around as a buffer?