Chapter 3

“Where’s your partner?” he asked.

“She couldn’t make it.”


“Yes,” Dr. Fortescue commiserated, eyebrows wagging away. “But, that means Chad here is a single for the scavenger hunt.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Sure am,” I piped up, upping the wattage on my smile.

“So I was thinking he’d be perfect…” Dr. Fortescue said.

Dr. Sabroso quickly concurred. “Perfect!”

To be honest, I hadn’t realized professional adults embarked on scavenger hunts at their holiday parties, but Marlys was right; I didn’t get out a whole lot, least of all in structured social settings. And lucky for me, because if I’d thought for one second that my solo status would land me in some kind of partner lottery, I would never have come tonight. I’d eventually knuckled under for the opportunity to stand across a different room than St Bern’s emergency one and ogle Dr. Sabroso,maybe work up the nerve to say Hi. And look how Karma was prepared to reward my efforts.