Chapter 10

“It’s fine,” I said with a smile. Still…the sign she offered me seemed to say. She moved both hands in a quick burst, and encouraged her sister to laugh along with her.

“She says, ‘My sister’s a klutz,’” the woman in the wig translated. “I’m afraid she’s right.” She handed me the napkin with the name and phone number of her dry cleaning guy, saying, “I really wish there was something more I could do for you.”

I almost let it slide, because her true identity was so unlikely I wasn’t sure I was grasping it, even after I had. But it would keep us in the game, and frankly I’d been wondering how I’d keep my evening with Jarek from ending if Landon gave us the old heave-ho from the hunt for not having what I suddenly had an impossible second chance to secure.

“I mean,” I said, “if it would help you feel better about it—which there’s nothing to feel bad about, everything’s fine—but if it would help you feel better, I’d be honored if you’d autograph this.”