“We’re not supposed to be back here,” I whispered as I followed him through.
“Probably not.”
“We’re not employees.”
“If they throw us out, we’ll leave.”
“How embarrassing.”
“It’s not embarrassing,” Jarek insisted. “He doesn’t care that we’re not supposed to be back here.”
“He’s right.” This from Santa’s sexiest elf, who had seen or heard or sensed us following him through the door and waited around the corner at the door to a small employee locker room and toilet. “Unless you’re following Santa and not me. Then I care.”
“We’re following you,” I confirmed.
“Then come on in,” he said with a wink.
It turned out ours was not an elf who scandalized easily. “I’m not taking off my underwear for a couple of randoms if they’re not gonna fuck me,” were his exact words.
“It’s a very generous offer,” Jarek hurried to placate in a suddenly squeaky voice. “And on another night, maybe after dinner and a nice glass of wine—”