“Well, he’s back.” She sat down on the edge of his bed and, annoyingly, picked up the remote from its surface and turned the TV off. He was in the middle of an old Twilight Zoneepisode, one where two little kids found escape from their unhappy home life through a portal in the bottom of their swimming pool.
Jack wished they could have afforded a pool…
Maisie went on, ignoring his tsknoise of protest at the TV being shut off. “You should give him another chance, Jack.”
“Why? I’m perfectly happy with whatever slop you throw my way. In case you haven’t noticed, I don’t expend a whole lot of energy these days, so your Banquet pot pies are just fine.”
Maisie’s mouth turned down, in a little moue of disappointment, he supposed.
“You liked his chili.”
“I flung it against the wall!”
“Yes, when he was here to see you. I suppose that was a dramatic statement on your part. So, bravo. But I noticed the leftovers I put in a Tupperware in the fridge were gone the next day.”