Maisie took a spoonful and closed her eyes, her spoon still poised in midair. “Oh my God, that’s beautiful. I have no idea what’s in here. But it tastes truly divine.”
“Thanks.” I took a bite of my own soup and had to admit her description was both flattering and spot on. Throughout the pre-dinner drinks—vodka and tonic for Maisie and me, beer for Dad—I’d had to resist the urge to ask Maisie about Jack. I didn’t want to upset her.
“What the hell’d you put in this, anyway?” Dad asked.
Despite the phrasing of the question, I could tell he was enjoying the soup. He was almost finished with his bowl when Maisie and I had barely taken a couple of spoonfuls ourselves.
“It’s just carrots cooked in chicken stock…” And I proceeded to tell him how I’d made the soup, not that he was really that interested. Gourmet cooking for Dad was heating a Marie Callender chicken pot pie in the microwave and adding canned Parmesan to the mix when it was done.