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Chapter 24

“Not Wade or Rafe?” He named the father and the illegitimate son.

“You’re familiar with the book?”

More like the movie, but he wasn’t going to confess to that. “I do read,” he murmured.

“I’m sorry. It’s just that was written in ‘58 and takes place in the ‘30s.”

“Did you ever read it?”

“Oh, sure. I must have been about twelve, and I didn’t understand some of what I read.” He laughed, and Ran was pleased to hear it. “I found my mother’s copy in the bottom drawer of her dresser. She had a fit when she realized I’d read it.”

“Is she still alive?”

Parrish looked away, and that gave Ran the answer even before Parrish said, “She passed away about seven years ago.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Thanks. I still miss her. I have a feeling she knew I was gay, but it never mattered to her.”

“What about your father?”

“He left when I was five, I think, so he never knew.”

“You were fifteen when your mother died? When did you go into foster care?”