WebNovelThe Best86.11%

Chapter 62


“His dad’s not doing well. They found an assisted living place for him, but he’s not there just yet, so I don’t think Ransom and his brother feel comfortable leaving him and their mom at this point.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.”


“Listen, Parrish. We haven’t seen you in a while. Why don’t you come for a few hours? Felicia’s family was here yesterday, and they brought over a metric ton of food. Help us make some inroads into the cold cuts and pastries.”

“What was the occasion?”

“You know Felicia’s family. No, that’s right, you don’t. They do stuff like that on the spur of the moment. Especially since the twins were born. Every time I turn around they’re knocking on the door.”

“Are you sure you want another visitor?”


“Um…” Parrish stared at his phone for a moment. “All right. Thank you. Is there anything I can bring?”

“Just yourself.”