Chapter 94

“Small world,” Anthony said. “I know Pablo. He owns The Overrated Llama. I’m not close to him, but I’ve visited his bar a few times. James runs that catering company, so I’ve heard of him. After all, we’re both in the food industry, more or less. Tobias is the CEO of The Majestic Ruiz, isn’t he?”

“That’s right.”

Anthony chuckled. “Dave is keeping secrets from me. Tobias must be a recent development.”

Vincent snickered. “Dave is sneaky like that.”

“He is. I’ve been underestimating him.”

Anthony and Vincent burst out laughing almost at the same time. After that, both of them were quiet for a minute or so before Vincent spoke up again.

“Dave is more than just a pretty face.”

Anthony was stunned for a brief moment. “Huh? I don’t understand.”

“Most women and men, even the straight ones, can’t help but stare at Dave. He has a beautiful face. You were touchy-feely with Dave at the bakery earlier this afternoon.”