Chapter 105

“I’m so glad I’m with you now.”

“So am I.”

Vincent beamed at Anthony for a second or two before his mood turned a little somber. “My family…we…there’s this divide between me and them. I can’t change who I am. My sexuality isn’t everything, but it’s an intrinsic part of me. My family can’t see that. Or maybe they refuse to. I don’t know anymore, and I’m tired sometimes of forcing myself to spend time with them.”

“Even during the Lunar New Year?”

Vincent nodded. “What’s the point? No words will be exchanged between me and them. It will be this uncomfortable, tension-filled silence throughout dinner. I’m thinking about skipping the reunion dinner this year.”

“And the one next year?”

“Yeah. All of them for the rest of my life.”

Anthony gripped Vincent’s hand a bit tighter. “No regrets?”

“None. At least I don’t think I will ever get that feeling. I’m kind of numb right now. I probably have been for a while.”