Chapter 38

Something about it got the hair on the back of Todd’s neck to rise and his stomach gave a little twist.

“That’s not right,” he muttered to himself, turning in his seat to watch the wagon’s progress. “What the hell?”

Hauling back on the reins, he pulled the team to a slow turn. Slapping one rein against the rump of the lead horse had them taking him back the way he’d come. Telling himself he was being paranoid did no good. Every sense screamed at him something was wrong. Another slap and the horses picked up speed.

Rounding the last curve that hid the mill from the road, he gave in to his fear and whipped the big horses into a gallop. As the mill came into view, Todd saw the two men from the wagon pulling Nick, kicking and fighting, through the main doors by a rope tied around his neck.

“Hey!” Todd bellowed, voice carrying over the pounding of the horses’ hooves, he stood and lashed them to more speed. “What are you doing? Let him go!”