Silence reigned for the little bit of time it took them to get the horses saddled and everything Witze and Adam would need on their scavenging trip tucked away safely.
Witze tapped against Todd’s chest with the envelopes containing a letter to Porter and another to Jimmy.
“I’ll get these sent off for you.” He leaned in so only Todd could hear his next statement. “Make Nick’s upbringing and training work foryou, not against the two of you.”
“Been trying. Thanks.”
After bidding the two of them farewell, Todd and Nick headed back into the house. It took only seconds before Nick was back in that damn chair again. Todd wanted to burn the thing. He fixed them a meal and sat down with it and a newspaper.
“Nick, c’mon, buddy, food’s ready.”
Without looking at Todd through the kitchen doorway, Nick mumbled, “I’m not really hungry.”