The day finally arrived just two days ago when Kenneth had died of a massive heart attack. When Lance had heard the news, the first thing he did was contact Patricia. Now thathad been one hell of a conversation. It had taken some doing, but he’d finally convinced her he was serious about Kenneth Dwyer being her father. Kenneth had an old paternal DNA test from years ago when she’d been born. Apparently, once it had been proven he was the father, he’d ended up paying Patricia’s mother a lump sum of money to get her to “go away,” as he’d so elegantly stated.
Yeah, the man was a class act.
Now, the moment of truth was upon him as he slowed Jasper to a trot. Wade glanced over this shoulder, his eyes widening upon seeing Lance. Lance pulled up next to Wade, leaving several feet between them, and nodded, not quite sure what to say now that he was there.
Wade looked ashen, his eyelashes wet as he continued to stare at Lance. “What are you doing here?”