Chapter 34

He leaned forward as they ascended a low hill, then straightened when they reached the peak. He slowed Stardust and gestured for Lance to do so also. Wade loved coming to this spot, where he could view the land as far as the eye could see. He wouldn’t even call this spot a true hill, but it was the place where he wanted to realize his dreams.

“It’s beautiful,” Lance whispered.

Wade could only agree and his heart stuttered knowing that Lance saw the beauty, too. He’d been pulled to this corner of Dwyer Ranch since he was a teenager. Sometimes the cattle grazed here, but for the most part, this section remained untouched each year. He’d always thought of it as untapped possibility.

“What’s your dream?” Lance asked.

“I’ve never shared it with anyone.” He swung his gaze back to the land.

“I’m not just anyone, Wade. I’m your husband.”