Chapter 36

Wade had to agree. This was ridiculous. “Can he really do anything?”

Casey glanced at Allyson, who nodded. “Randle can’t file anything with the sheriff, but…Hunter said the man couldfind an attorney and make trouble.”

God, Wade hated that man. He was just as evil as Kenneth Dwyer had been. “Is there anything we can do?”

Casey and Allyson exchanged looks again. “Hunter suggested you make appearances in town together, showing everyone you’re a couple. The more people who believe it, the less chance Milton has to rile up the community and get them on his side. As vile as he is, he’s lived here for years and does have many supporters.”

“He really wants your land, doesn’t he?” Lance asked.

“No surprise. It would almost double his property. Our cattle are highly prized and our soil is in top condition,” Wade explained.

“Guess we’ll need to get to work on Operation Newlywed,” Lance said, a twinkle in his eye.

Casey chuckled. “Sounds like a plan.”