Chapter 51

As soon as they were alone in the hall, Wade grabbed Lance from behind and pressed his chest against his back. Wade nuzzled the side of his neck, his arms snaking around Lance’s waist.

Lance leaned back, his heart thundering in his ears.

“Hurry home, husband,” Wade whispered, his hot breath sending a shiver down Lance’s spine, directly to his dick.

Oh fuck, he loved how alpha Wade sounded.

Wade kissed his neck, his lips soft on Lance’s skin. “Know what I really loved last night?”

Lance couldn’t speak, his heart in his throat, so he shook his head.

“All those hot little whimpers you made. I almost came every time I heard your sexy moans.”

Shit. Lance’s legs felt unsteady. He couldn’t remember another time a man had ever made him weak in the knees. Wade’s hands gripped his hips, as if he knew what he was doing to Lance.

“Tonight, I want you naked in our bed. Nothing between us. How does that sound?”