Chapter 85

“If I don’t fall asleep.” Charlie chuckled and waved as he left.

Wade finished with Stardust and made sure she was set for the night, then made a beeline for the house. He wanted to talk to Casey about what Charlie had shared. The wind whipped around him as he exited the barn and the first snowflakes made their appearance, swirling through the air. He tugged his coat closer to his body and hurried into the house

“No muddy boots in my kitchen!”

“Taking them off right now,” he assured Lorna from the mudroom. The scent of apple cider filled the room and he was anxious to see what other delectable treats she had for them.

He wasn’t surprised to see Allyson at the stove, pulling out a tray of something that looked suspiciously like gingerbread men, albeit a little rotund.

“Not one word,” she warned as she set the cookie sheet on the oven. “It’s only my first batch. They’re going to get better.”

Wade grinned and reached for one. “They look good to me.”