Jack threw a pillow at her, which she batted away. “That was a fictional movie, you ass.”
Anya rolled her eyes. “How was I supposed to know it was fictional? Elves were in it.”
“Elves arefictional to humans!”
Rob perked up with interest at this—he was always keen to learn more about other magical creatures—but Kayla swept in with a six pack of beer and stack of paper plates, which she doled out so everyone could start to serve themselves.
“What are we watching?” she asked. “I was thinking we could try Stranger Things. We never got around to it.”
Jack smirked, and pointed to Aaron dramatically. “That’s because someonevetoed it.”
Aaron shrugged as he loaded a veggie slice and a pile of cheese fries onto a plate, and sat down on the floor next to Kayla. “I wasn’t in the mood for 80’s nostalgia. I’m good now, though.”