Chapter 6

They stopped near the gated main entrance. Captain Howard leaned back, swung her right leg over the horse’s withers, and dropped to the ground. She reached into a pouch hanging from her belt and extracted a small bundle of folded papers. Holding the reins of the horse, she led it, Todd, and Nick, to the base of the guard tower.

Nick realized there weren’t simply people at the top of the towers, but the bases also had room enough for several people and horses. He suspected all the towers were occupied in the same manner.

One of the prison guards stepped out of the tower, took the reins of the horse, and motioned the captain inside. She ducked through the door, into the darker tower interior. Nick watched closely. He could see she was speaking to someone and she pointed in their direction a few times. A minute later, she was back outside and taking hold of the horse again, motioning to her lieutenant to follow.