“Thank you,” Clarke said the second Todd’s rear hit the seat cushion. “Victor Raleigh is up to something and it’s in no way good.”
“Really? Ya think?” Todd couldn’t help the sarcasm or the bit of joy he felt when Nick stifled another chuckle with a fake cough.
Clarke shoved two thick envelopes across his desk to Todd. After carefully opening the top one, Todd looked inside.
“What do you know about recorders?” Nick blurted out.
“Recor—?” Clarke sat back in his chair and watched Nick intently. Todd stopped pulling the paperwork out of the envelope and glanced between Nick and Clarke, then focused an equally intent gaze on Clarke.
“I know they’re not simply a legend,” Clarke responded. “But reality. Why do you ask?”
Nick looked down at his hands, picking at one finger with the thumbnail of his other hand. “When I was with Raleigh, there was another slave with me, a boy who was a psychic.”
“Adam,” Clarke said.