A few miles from the depot where they would meet the train that would take them into Yellowknife and close to home, they turned onto a side road. It was barely more than a footpath and didn’t really lead anywhere. Nick thought it looked as if it might be a back access to some nearby farms.
“We’ll camp here. If we’re being followed, they can’t really sneak up on us here.” Todd was already on the ground and pulling his saddle and bags from Arenite’s back.
Dark had descended a few hours before that and Nick was so weary he was having a hard time staying awake and upright in his saddle. They bedded down their horses and made themselves comfortable for the night. After a dinner of cold sandwiches, Nick was very happy to stretch out on his bedroll.
“Hey, c’mon, it’s getting cold.” Todd held one arm out and yawned as he lay down. “In this together, don’t you forget that.”