Chapter 23

“You’re right, Kipp.”

“What gave me away?”

“Does it matter?”

“That’s more or less what Sir said.”

“Unlike Marcus Llewellyn, I want you to be happy.”

“And I’d be happy with a man who only wanted me as part of a package deal? Did you know he only expects me to be faithful to him for a year?”


“It’s in the contract. Sir told me.”

“And knowing Marcus Llewellyn, you believed him?”

“But Granddad, he’s my father. Why would he lie to me about something like that?” And in spite of how Sir treated me, I kept hoping for the best.

He opened his mouth, but then closed it and shook his head. “He lied to me about you not wanting to talk to me.”

It was my turn to open and then close my mouth. I sighed. “You have a point.”

“Do you really think that was Hyde Wyndham’s idea?”

I shrugged. “Does it matter whose idea it was? He signed the contract. That means he has to have agreed to it.”