Chapter 60

He took my credit card and began to process the transaction. “And if you’ll print out what you want engraved?”

Once that was done, I signed the receipt and put my copy in my wallet, along with my credit card.

I glanced at my watch. “I’m sorry, I need to hurry. I’ll see you later.”

“Mr. Llewellyn. I want to apologize for my attitude earlier. I thought—”

I really didn’t want to know what he thought. “Apology accepted.”

“Thank you. I’ll get right on this.”

“Thanks.” I could see us doing round after round of thank-yous, and I hurried out of Rosalinda’s Trunk.

Phyll glanced up from her computer as I approached the reception desk, and a smile lit her face.

“Did you find something, Kipp?”

“Yes. Mr. Sanderson is going to engrave it, and I’ll pick it up before Hyde and I leave.”

“I’m glad. Was Sanderson giving you a hard time?”

“Frankly, I thought he was going to boot me out of the boutique. It was a good thing you called when you did.”