Chapter 80

“Hi, Mrs. Wales.” I kissed her cheek.

“My, my, you have grown, Mr. Kipp.” It had been three years since we’d seen each other, and I’d had that growth spurt my freshman year at Armand U.

“And I’m getting married soon, too. You’ll come, won’t you?”

Jackson snorted and walked out.

“You don’t need to come,” I called after him, and then I turned to the underchauffeur. “You’re invited, too, Pierce.”

“Thank you, Mr. Kipp.” He smiled at me. “We…uh…Mrs. Wales and I were afraid we might not get to see you again.”

“I’d have made sure we were able to visit once more before I left town. Maybe when you took Mrs. Wales grocery-shopping.”

His smile broadened. When I was little, I’d wheedle my way into going with them, and Mrs. Wales always saw to it I had a treat, whether it was a piece of candy or a cookie.

“I never did like Jackson. And you did not hear me say that.” He winked. “Was there something you needed?”