Chapter 110

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Afterward, he nestled his head on my chest. “Will Porridge do our photo?”

“Yes.” I told him about the cowboy and the gambler/piano-player options as well.

“Oh, I like that idea.” He licked a nipple. “Pardner.”

I rubbed my cheek against the blond silk of his hair. “Next year I’d like him to do another photo, with the baby.”

“Our baby.” He leaned up to stare into my eyes, looking dazzled. “Yes.”

I pulled him down into my arms, pleased he was as happy about the baby as I was.

As for Peabody Grant, I’d gathered he was unhappy with his situation in San Francisco.

Maybe this would give him the impetus to go home and take care of whatever needed taking care of.Brown-Eyed Handsome Man

Hyde Wyndham and I planned to have a baby together, a little girl with his honey-brown eyes or maybe a little boy with his warm café au lait skin.

“She could be blonde, Kipp,” Hyde murmured against my own blond hair. “Hecould have blue eyes, just like yours.”