Chapter 112

Please don’t let him die. I knew it was selfish, but I’d only gotten him back a few months ago, after a three year estrangement.

He’d been diagnosed with metastatic colon cancer two years prior, and because it had already spread, he’d refused to agree to any treatment other than radiation therapy. His doctors fought for him, but because the prognosis was so poor, they didn’t hold out much hope.

But each time he’d had a setback, he’d followed it with a comeback.

This time, though, I knew…we all knew…it was the end. The entire family had come to say good-bye, but because the room wasn’t large enough to hold everyone, they’d left to get some coffee.

I held onto his hand, hummed along with the music, and tried to keep from weeping.

The door swung open, and Hyde strode in. My heart leaped as it always did when I saw the man who was my everything, but I kept my voice soft, not wanting to disturb Granddad. “Aren’t you supposed to be at a meeting?”