Chapter 11

Ian shook his head. “Sure, Hunter. But take it from me. You don’t want anything to do with this. It’s out in the boonies. We’ll get you set up in a nice condo on Lake Shore Drive with beautiful views, or maybe a nice loft on Printer’s Row? A young guy like you—”

Hunter cut him off. “A young guylike me wants to see his legacy.”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“I don’t care what you think!” Hunter took a breath, reining in his fury. “Look, I just want to see it. And it’s really not your business or place to try and talk me out of that. Now, can I get some directions from you or at least an address? Or do I need to find it on my own?”

Ian gave Hunter a nervous smile, meant to calm him down. “I see you’re not going to be refused. I think the place would be next to impossible for you to find on your own, in spite of high tech doodads like GPS.” He stood. “How about we take a drive up there on Saturday?”

“That would be perfect. Thank you, Ian.”