Chapter 16

He tried to direct his thoughts back to the house. He couldn’t tell Ian about Jay. For one, it was too soon, and for another, why would the old guy even be interested? Hunter doubted the lawyer had ever considered that Hunter might be gay, let alone have a love interest.

“Penny for your thoughts.” Ian reached out to turn down the music a few notches.

“Oh, just thinking about the house. Wondering what to expect. From what I imagine, it might be perfect.”

Ian’s voice took on a cautious tone. “Perfect for what?”

“As a getaway. Maybe to live in someday. You yourself said Nana wanted the Evanston house sold so the proceeds could go to charity. I have to live somewhere.” Hunter imagined a big old fieldstone house framed against a forest of pines, oaks, and maples.

Ian shook his head. “Hunter, how many times do I have to tell you? The place should be condemned. It should have been torn down years ago.”