Chapter 28

It would be time soon to make his final move. The money in Hunter’s coffers cried out to him, begging for release.

* * * *

Jay flicked at a dab of lemon sorbet near his lip, took it in, and smiled. He reached across the table to take Hunter’s hand and squeeze it. “You spoil me, sweetheart. Much more of thatand you’re going to have a big hairy bear on your hands, and then I’m not sure I’d be your type anymore.” Jay threw back his head and laughed.

Hunter joined him, not quite sure what the joke was but wanting to seem in the know. “Just don’t get spoiled. I’ve been enjoying our forays into international food. I especially liked that Ethiopian place you took me to last week. What was it called?”

“Ethiopian Diamond. We can go anytime you want.” Jay gazed into Hunter’s eyes.