Chapter 77

There was nothing. Hunter felt both exhilarated and disappointed. He needed to fight this thing now. He feared he wouldn’t have this much courage and conviction again.

He closed his eyes, willing it to come to him.

It wasn’t long before he heard a throaty whisper, ripped straight from hell.


In spite of all his determination and in spite of all Naomi had told him, Hunter stiffened, frozen, unable to respond.


Hunter bit his lower lip so hard he tasted his own blood. Wincing, he forced himself to struggle to an upright position. His eyes were adapted to the dark by now, yet he couldn’t see anything unusual or different in the room’s shadows.

But he could smell. The distinct odor of something rotting rose up. Hunter’s nose crinkled as the smell of meat gone bad surrounded him, almost like a second presence in the room. He wanted to gag.

“Now, Hunter, now.”

Hunter peered harder into the dark, hearing a soft, throaty chuckle.

“Are you ready?”