“Kyle, are you ready to eat?” he yelled from the kitchen.
Kyle walked into the kitchen holding up one of Dave’s purchases. “Is this a smoker’s patch?”
Dave cleared his throat, feeling his face heat—and not from standing over the pan on the stove. “Yeah, I thought…maybe.” He shrugged.
Kyle laughed. “You’re too cute, you know that?”
Dave glanced at him in surprise. His reaction was not what Dave had been expecting. He had expected Kyle to be irritated, maybe even to tell Dave to mind his own business. “You don’t mind?”
“Nah. Want to put it on me?” Kyle asked. His voice had dropped low and soft, ridiculously seductive.
Dave licked his lips and came forward to take the patch from Kyle. The way his cock perked up, Kyle might as well have said “Put this condom on me” or “Could you stick that cock in me?” or something. He blew out a breath, pushed up the sleeve of Kyle’s shirt, and attached the patch to the other man’s skin.