“I do!” said Ulissa. “I refuse!”
And she charged at him. Wakuma visibly hesitated, and Ulissa collided with him. She wrestled with him for the gun. She wouldn’t win—she was too small in comparison to her much-larger father—but it was enough time for Gevery to leap forward and join in the fray. He easily overcame Wakuma and took away the weapon.
“Let’s go!” shouted Gevery.
Yaliana struggled to her feet and the three of them entered the passage to the airfield. They ran as fast as possible with their collective armour and injuries.
“You could have been hurt!” Yaliana admonished Ulissa.
“But I wasn’t, was I?” said Ulissa, smiling. “Come on, we haven’t escaped yet.”
The airfield was deserted, with no sign of pterodactyls. Yaliana hoped that meant that her fellow knights had defeated them.
“Come on, we can take my dad’s ship,” said Ulissa.