Chapter 10

“Hey, Rio!” Lathe yelled. “Don’t stop ‘til you get to Canada.”

“Why is it you manage to show up everywhere I am?” Anjelo asked.

“Hey, you’d better be glad I showed up, or you might be in some alley fighting off a rapist right now.”

“And what’s this about you being my bodyguard? We never agreed to that.”

“It’s apparent that you need somebody. By the way, Rio is not the kind of man you want to spend time with.”

“Yeah? Why?”

“He’s a fuckin’ criminal, that’s why. A criminal whose next stop is Death Row.”

“So now you’re going to tell me who my friends should be?”

“Somebody needs to. What the hell do you see in him, anyway?”

“I don’t know. Maybe it’s the absence of tattoos,” Anjelo replied sarcastically.

“Hey, you agreed to lay off my tattoos. I haven’t said a word about your lace, or the absence of it.”