“Fucking bastards!” the man slurred. Even from that distance, Rory could smell the whiskey on his father’s breath. Even though the man wasn’t very tall—about 5 feet 7 inches—he was still an imposing figure.
“Everything okay, Garry, dear?” Rory’s mom squeaked, setting the skillet on the stove top and lighting the gas under it. “You’re so early, but supper won’t be long. Just go into the family room for a few minutes. I’m sure there’ll be something on TV you could—”
“Shut up, woman! You’re always fucking talking too much! Yack, yack, yack!” Garry Brown staggered further into the kitchen, his gaze fixing on Rory, who stood, frozen, a model of a Hereford clutched tightly in his grasp. “What’s this!” he bellowed. “Thought I told you to stop playing with stupid toys. Didn’t raise no fucking pussy!”
Rory opened his mouth, but he couldn’t speak.
Garry picked up the model farm and hurled it to the floor.
Rory’s mom gasped. “Rory’s doing a project for school, and—”