By tradition, Barry’s gift was the meal, so Rory was surprised when the man handed him a small, flat package.
“It isn’t much, so don’t get upset. I just saw it and thought of you,” Barry told him.
Rory ripped into the wrapping paper and pulled out a leather-bound volume of cowboy poetry. “Thank you.” Rory was touched. Barry was the only one on the ranch who knew Rory enjoyed reading poetry and some forms of literary fiction.
Next came a somewhat larger flat package, this one quite heavy. The gift tag said the giver was Liam. It was a set of leather-working tools. “Wow, thank you, Liam.” Rory carefully ran his fingers down the smooth metal of a piercing tool. It felt incredibly sharp.
“I know how much you like working with the tack, so I thought you should have your own set of tools,” Liam told him.
Rory nodded. “Yes, thank you very much.”
The next gift was an Amazon gift certificate from Wayne. “I didn’t know what a kid your age would like,” Wayne admitted sheepishly.