At first, Cody had been unable to pronounce ‘Rory’ but soon picked up on his dad’s use of Ror, so that’s what Rory became to him, too. To Cody’s young mind, he also thought Rory should roar like a lion; Rory amused everyone by trying—and mostly failing—to sound like the big cat. The costume rental place had had a tiger outfit that had fit Rory better, but Cody had wanted a lion, so a lion Rory would be. He, along with everyone else on the ranch, spoiled the kid rotten
“And what are you going as tonight?” Rory asked, although the boots, Wrangler jeans, leather belt with huge buckle, black flannel western shirt, and black Stetson, made it pretty obvious. Rory was sure there’d be a superhero T-shirt under the flannel, too.
“Uncle Ror, I’m a cowboy! Just like my dad and my crew.”
“Ah, yes, of course.” Rory nodded sagely.