Chapter 4

He followed Emma close enough to keep slack in the chain, and Emma followed Gideon across the apartment—which seemed much larger to him now—to the bedroom. By the time they reached the master suite, Jesse was nearly shivering with excitement.

A sharp tug on the leash forced him to heel without Emma ever uttering a word, and they waited by the door while Gideon strode inside to where he’d left his suitcases. It didn’t take him long to pull out a small box from an inside pocket. When he turned around, his erection was even more pronounced, and he rested the box in the palm of his hand as he nodded once at Emma.

She dropped the leash at the same time Gideon barked, “Come here, boy.”

The leash dragged across the floor as Jesse crawled to Gideon’s feet. This room had thick carpeting, designed for comfort, not for play, like the dungeon. It was rich against his bare skin, and the added texture only heightened his senses. He felt another surge of lust, and knew it was coming from Emma.