Chapter 57

“Emma’s setting the table. You better be hungry. I made a lot of food.”

Jesse’s appetite was completely gone, but he smiled anyway. “I’m starving. I’ll be right there.”

Instead of leaving, though, Gideon stepped inside. “Are you all right?” His gaze flickered briefly to the bed, and his eyes darkened. “We weren’t too rough for your back, were we?”

“It’s nothing some cream won’t fix. Want to help me out with that after dinner?”

“If that’s what you want.” But Gideon wasn’t moving. “Look, I wanted to do this later, preferably after a lot of wine, but…well, I’m sorry about overreacting to the invitation. You…deserve better than what I did.”

Jesse very much wanted to ask what had prompted Gideon’s overreaction, but he didn’t think Gideon would be willing to answer him. Now. Later, perhaps, his chances would be better. He stood and crossed the room to touch Gideon’s arm.