Chapter 62

They had been fighting a lot during this trip. But that couldn’t be the reason Jesse had kept details of the meeting secret.

Could it?

The sharp ring of his phone stopped him from pursuing that train of thought much further. “That was quick,” he said to Derek.

“Don’t get too excited. All I’ve got for you is an ID. Simone Covington. Nineteen years old. She was reported missing by her mother four weeks ago.”

The name meant nothing to him, but it was more than he’d had. It gave him a potential trail Jesse might have followed.

“Thanks, Derek.”

“No problem. Call me and let me know what’s going on.”

He was about to hang up when he thought to add, “Do the same for me, will you? If Jesse calls you, about anything, I want to know about it. And tell him to call me.”

“Of course. Wait. You know, he did call me earlier about something. It was kind of weird. Have you been telling Jesse about my dad?”