Chapter 67

“It was all so long ago…” His voice was low and rough, and the subsequent growl sounded more like frustration than anger. “I don’t understand why people can’t just let the past stay where it is. It’s not like there’s anything we can fucking do about it now.”

Several things came to Emma’s mind—like those who ignore the past are doomed to repeat it—but she rejected it all as platitudes. Useless platitudes Gideon didn’t need to hear.

“No, we can’t change the past. But maybe something in the past can help us now. The only connection between Marcus Brooker and Jesse is you. You might know something about what he’s doing…or why…and not even realize it.”

“I don’t knowthe man,” Gideon snapped, then rubbed his hand over his face as he realized how harshly it had come out. “I knew his father. He was the assistant pastor at Mary’s church.”

Emma didn’t know how to ask this delicately, so she just plowed ahead. “Did you do something to his father?”