Chapter 89

“I got a hold of Odessa. She’s agreed to let us keep the penthouse for another week until it’s easier for you to travel.”

Shifting, Emma curled up on her side next to Jesse, clearly ignoring Gideon’s disapproving frown. “I called the Institute and told them there was an emergency here in New York,” she said. “Plus, I let them know I’m going to have to take an extra day off once we get back to Chicago.”

Emma wasn’t quite touching him, but the added weight and body heat to the bed was enough to make Jesse happy for the moment. “Why do you need an extra day off?”

“To move my stuff in.”

Jesse didn’t miss Gideon’s small smile of satisfaction, and he couldn’t help his own smile. He knew there were still problems with the idea, but for the life of him, he couldn’t think of what those were. They didn’t seem to matter as much. But he did wonder if Emma’s practical side had won out, ultimately. Because even with semi-magical cream, Jesse knew he was going to be laid up for awhile.