Chapter 6

Maddy O’Dee manned the post: all smiles, cheerful, bright-eyed. She was one of my favorite employees, adding an abundance of sunshine to any dark day. She beamed a smile at me, winked, and said, “Good morning, Lovey. Looking bright.” Lovey. Her pet name for me; I didn’t mind.

“Morning, Maddy.”

“David told me to tell you to meet him in the dining room. He wants to talk to you about your attack in room 112. I’m sorry about your terror.”

“I don’t know what it was,” I told her.

“Well, maybe David can get to the bottom of it. There’s fresh coffee and Danish.”

“Thanks, Maddy,” I told her, and continued my day.

* * * *

The inn bulged to its capacity, swelling. All twenty-four rooms were booked through the patriotic holiday. Breakfasters filled the main dining area. Guests chattered around the four tables. David stood near the coffee bar.

I moved up to him and he provided me with a pleasant, “Good morning, friend,” and a cup of coffee with matching saucer. “Shall we sit?” he asked.