“Where’s Lia?” Kate asked as she closed the door.
“She got a better offer,” Rita said in her low, almost raspy voice. “‘Study date’ with her new girlfriend.”
“Julie could have come over here,” Trevor said.
“Julie was last week,” Jorge informed, then screamed as a blue shell murdered him.
“Darla is this week?” Kate asked uncertainly.
Rita nodded. “And she doesn’t like ‘all that nerd stuff.’ Which speaks well for how that relationship is going to go.”
Trevor realized Chase was standing back, still by the door, looking completely out of his depths. Not scared, but wearing a stoic mask, as if to hide his confusion. Trevor gestured him forward. “And I’m being rude. Guys, this is Chase, of Scrabble-scattering fame. Chase, this is Rita, you’ve met Jorge, and the invisible friend is Lia, who came to college, realized she’s a lesbian and has been tasting all the wares. She’s also the biggest nerd out of all of us.” Trevor smirked. “Although also the most social.”