Willing to sacrifice himself to protect Seth and his clan Lord, Valentine ducked his head and extended his arms, interlacing his fingers together so that his long, diamond-hard claws aimed at the giant cobra.
However, he didn’t try and spear the great beast. Instead, as it surged down to attack the defenseless Seth, Valentine flew underneath its head and gouged deeply into its most vulnerable flesh.
Droplets of black blood cascaded onto Valentine. The poison it contained burned him and he screamed, but the snake also screeched. Its trajectory faltered, and it struck the ground to Seth’s right instead of the man himself.
A multitude of roars echoed around, and Valentine hesitated as he arced in mid-flight ready to aim again for the cobra. Then he hesitated. Beneath him dragon gargoyles were leaving their plinths. They still looked stone, rather than flesh and blood, but they all came to stand and form a protective circle around Seth.