“Would you care for a bottle of wine, Mr. Kirchner?” the waiter asked. It struck Hayden as odd for a few seconds, until he realized Neal probably ate here often enough the staff had come to know him. He remembered Neal’s comment about how he got tired of always eating out.
Neal glanced at Hayden. “I think I’ll stick with sweet tea this evening. I have to get up far too early tomorrow,” Hayden explained. No fib at all. What Hayden didn’t add was that he’d driven Rick’s car, and the last thing he was going to do was drink and drive.
“Sweet tea it is,” Neal agreed. “Thank you, Peter.”
Hayden couldn’t help arching an eyebrow at Neal addressing the waiter by name. Envy surged through him again.
Neal apparently read Hayden’s expression because he added, “I meet clients here often, and it’s one of Mirabel’s favorite restaurants. Mine too. Though I have to admit I think I like that you might be a tad envious of another man.”