“I’m also right. The more attached to you he is, the more likely he’ll accept all this as an innocent misunderstanding. It’s really nothing more, and you haven’t tried to take advantage of him.”
“Is that how you’d feel if it was a girl you met?” Hayden asked.
“Honestly? Yeah, I’d be pissed at first, but if it was a woman I was really into, then I’d calm down, see no harm was done, and work it out,” Rick said. “Not everyone who doesn’t divulge everything about themselves is a gold digger.”
“Yeah?” Hayden put his own clothes on. “I tried to tell him. This guy, he’s special, and I’d think that no matter what. Money doesn’t matter to me. Not like that.”
“Yeah, I know. Neal will see that as well. But don’t let it go beyond this weekend or it will seem like you aretrying to take advantage of his money. And as for work, call off.”