While Scott was genuinely happy by the turn of events, he was still cautious about getting back together with his father. But he had to admit that Aroha was a force of nature to be reckoned with and he was also glad that his father seemed to be making an effort to put things right.
As the evening drew to a close, Scott felt increasingly excited about having the chance to be alone with Jamie again. I can’t be sure how the night will go, but if he wants to make love with me, then I’m going to show Jamie just how amazing making love for the first time can be. His heart soared at the thought of claiming Jamie and being the first person to ever touch him so intimately.
Scott looked around for the younger man, then slowly made his way over to Jamie. Coming up behind him, Scott gently placed his hands on the younger man’s shoulders and whispered into his ear.
“You about ready to leave, Jamie? If you are, I’ll call for a cab.”