Chapter 19

Despite his kinky side, I looked at him dreamily and admired his face so much. He was one of those types I could do this with all day, over and over. I slowly pulled his cock out of my ass and noticed the condom had broken. He’d actuallycome inside me, and I hadn’t noticed. Like, at all. “Oh, shit!”

“I’m safe, I promise. I wouldn’t do that to you.”

“Okay, but we stillshould get tested soon.”

“Of course, and we will.” David pulled me toward him for a quick kiss. Then, he laid me by his left side and planted a deeper kiss. He rubbed his nose against mine and gave a tiny smile. “I could easily fall in love with you, Benny.” That soft voice.

My heart sunk with joy, and I knew I was practically there myself. “Me, too.” I could suddenly go for another round after making out with him some more.