“No, no, I can do it.” He stepped back to give Vince room to enter. “Come on in. I’ll just wash up really quick. Won’t be a tick.”
Vince came in, but just far enough to lean against the wall near the door. “You sure it was lunch? You’ve been looking a little green for the past week.”
The observation startled him to a halt. He’d thought he’d been hiding it pretty well, considering the fact he’d never been threatened like this before. Kate hadn’t noticed a thing, not during their rehearsals, not during the shows. As he swung his gaze back to meet Vince’s, though, it dawned on him he’d actually been spending more time with Vince than anyone else. When Jimmy took them out after the show, he and Kate had eyes only for each other, leaving Vince and David to share each other’s company. And Vince had long practice looking out for Jimmy. It made sense he’d picked up on David’s upset.