Vince pulled him closer, forcing David to close more of the distance. He realized in a distant, frightened way that now he really was close enough to kiss Vince. To feel his lips. He was definitely close enough to feel the warmth of Vincent’s breath. “Will you come up to my suite after the show?”
“Your…” He couldn’t form the word. His head was swimming, and if he didn’t have Vince’s strength holding him up, he would topple to the side. As it was, he needed to shift, his weight distributed too awkwardly on his knees, but that only served to brush his painful erection against Vince’s leg.
The slight touch electrified him more than Vince’s grip. It shocked him backward, onto his ass, tearing his hand away as he scuttled away from the chair. What the hell was he doing? Rubbing off on the guy he was attracted to? It didn’t matter if it was accidental or not. Someone like Vince didn’t want that, no matter what kind of invitation he issued.